Reports PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Friday, 03 November 2017 09:35

The Student Have come home with reports form for Third Term 2018 and we have sent the same through the SMS PLATFORM. We are requesting the parents to go through those report forms and discuss with your daughter on the weak subjects and improvement of the other subjects that are fairly done.

Last Updated on Monday, 05 November 2018 18:51


Pioneer Activities and Persons


First open air Theatre in kenya

oenone theatre - The kenya high school

First African girl to be admitted to the Kenya High School

Anne Mithamo (1961)

First African teacher at the Kenya High School

Miss Pamela Ogot (1st May 1965)

First African Principal

Mrs. Rose Kariuki (1/1/1977 -21/7/1977)

First Parents Teachers' Association

PTA - The Kenya High School - Registered in 1979

First Lady Chairperson of the BOG

DR. Eddah Gachukia (1984 - 1988)